References & Resources
Cited References
- Subar AF, Kipnis V, Troiano RP, Midthune D, Schoeller DA, Bingham S, Sharbaugh CO, Trabulsi J, Runswick S, Ballard-Barbash R, Sunshine J, Schatzkin A. Using intake biomarkers to evaluate the extent of dietary misreporting in a large sample of adults: the OPEN study. Am J Epidemiol 2003 Jul 1;158(1):1-13. [View Abstract]
- Neuhouser ML, Tinker L, Shaw PA, Schoeller D, Bingham SA, Horn LV, Beresford SA, Caan B, Thomson C, Satterfield S, Kuller L, Heiss G, Smit E, Sarto G, Ockene J, Stefanick ML, Assaf A, Runswick S, Prentice RL. Use of recovery biomarkers to calibrate nutrient consumption self-reports in the Women's Health Initiative. Am J Epidemiol 2008 May 15;167(10):1247-59. [View Abstract]
- Prentice RL, Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Huang Y, Van Horn L, Beresford SA, Caan B, Tinker L, Schoeller D, Bingham S, Eaton CB, Thomson C, Johnson KC, Ockene J, Sarto G, Heiss G, Neuhouser ML. Evaluation and comparison of food records, recalls, and frequencies for energy and protein assessment by using recovery biomarkers. Am J Epidemiol 2011 Sep 1;174(5):591-603. [View Abstract]
- Molag ML, de Vries JH, Ocké MC, Dagnelie PC, van den Brandt PA, Jansen MC, van Staveren WA, van't Veer P. Design characteristics of food frequency questionnaires in relation to their validity. Am J Epidemiol 2007 Dec 15;166(12):1468-78. [View Abstract]
- Preis SR, Spiegelman D, Zhao BB, Moshfegh A, Baer DJ, Willett WC. Application of a repeat-measure biomarker measurement error model to 2 validation studies: examination of the effect of within-person variation in biomarker measurements. Am J Epidemiol 2011 Mar 15;173(6):683-94. [View Abstract]
- Huang Y, Van Horn L, Tinker LF, Neuhouser ML, Carbone L, Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Thomas F, Prentice RL. Measurement error corrected sodium and potassium intake estimation using 24-hour urinary excretion. Hypertension 2014 Feb;63(2):238-44. [View Abstract]
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- Heerstrass DW, Ocké MC, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Peeters PH, Seidell JC. Underreporting of energy, protein and potassium intake in relation to body mass index. Int J Epidemiol 1998 Apr;27(2):186-93. [View Abstract]
- Freedman LS, Midthune D, Carroll RJ, Krebs-Smith S, Subar AF, Troiano RP, Dodd K, Schatzkin A, Bingham SA, Ferrari P, Kipnis V. Adjustments to improve the estimation of usual dietary intake distributions in the population. J Nutr 2004 Jul;134(7):1836-43. Erratum in: J Nutr. 2005 Jun;135(6):1524. Bingham, Sheila A [added]. [View Abstract]
- Subar AF, Thompson FE, Kipnis V, Midthune D, Hurwitz P, McNutt S, McIntosh A, Rosenfeld S. Comparative validation of the Block, Willett, and National Cancer Institute food frequency questionnaires : the Eating at America's Table Study. Am J Epidemiol 2001 Dec 15;154(12):1089-99. [View Abstract]
- Beasley JM, Davis A, Riley WT. Evaluation of a web-based, pictorial diet history questionnaire. Public Health Nutr 2009 May;12(5):651-9. [View Abstract]
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- Gibson RS. Principles of Nutritional Assessment, 2nd edn. Oxford University Press, USA 2005 [View Abstract]
- Subar AF, Frey CM, Harlan LC, Kahle L. Differences in reported food frequency by season of questionnaire administration: the 1987 National Health Interview Survey. Epidemiology 1994 Mar;5(2):226-33. [View Abstract]
- Parr CL, Hjartåker A, Scheel I, Lund E, Laake P, Veierød MB. Comparing methods for handling missing values in food-frequency questionnaires and proposing k nearest neighbours imputation: effects on dietary intake in the Norwegian Women and Cancer study (NOWAC). Public Health Nutr 2008 Apr;11(4):361-70. [View Abstract]
- Hansson LM, Galanti MR, Bergström R. Factors affecting reproducibility of dietary reports using food frequency questionnaires. Eur J Clin Nutr 2000 Aug;54(8):658-64. [View Abstract]
Additional References
Hackett A. Food Frequency Questionnaires: simple and cheap, but are they valid? Matern Child Nutr 2011 Apr;7(2):109-11. [Look up in PubMed]
Millen AE, Tooze JA, Subar AF, Kahle LL, Schatzkin A, Krebs-Smith SM. Differences between food group reports of low-energy reporters and non-low-energy reporters on a food frequency questionnaire. J Am Diet Assoc 2009 Jul;109(7):1194-203. doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2009.04.004. [View Abstract]
Scagliusi FB, Ferriolli E, Pfrimer K, Laureano C, Cunha CS, Gualano B, Lourenço BH, Lancha AH Jr. Characteristics of women who frequently under report their energy intake: a doubly labelled water study. Eur J Clin Nutr 2009 Oct;63(10):1192-9. [View Abstract]
Smith AF. Cognitive psychological issues of relevance to the validity of dietary reports. Eur J Clin Nutr 1993 Oct;47 Suppl 2:S6-18. Review. [View Abstract]
Subar AF, Dodd KW, Guenther PM, Kipnis V, Midthune D, McDowell M, Tooze JA, Freedman LS, Krebs-Smith SM. The food propensity questionnaire: concept, development, and validation for use as a covariate in a model to estimate usual food intake. J Am Diet Assoc 2006 Oct;106(10):1556-63. [View Abstract]
Subar AF, Thompson FE, Smith AF, Jobe JB, Ziegler RG, Potischman N, Schatzkin A, Hartman A, Swanson C, Kruse L, et al. Improving food frequency questionnaires: a qualitative approach using cognitive interviewing. J Am Diet Assoc 1995 Jul;95(7):781-8; quiz 789-90. [View Abstract]
Tooze JA, Subar AF, Thompson FE, Troiano R, Schatzkin A, Kipnis V. Psychosocial predictors of energy underreporting in a large doubly labeled water study. Am J Clin Nutr 2004 May;79(5):795-804. [View Abstract]
Willett W. Nutritional Epidemiology, vol. 15. Oxford University Press, USA 1989.
National Cancer Institute. Diet History Questionnaire III.
National Cancer Institute. Dietary Assessment Calibration/Validation Register.
Steering Committee of the National Nutrient Databank Conference. International Nutrient Databank Directory.
UK Medical Research Council. Diet and Physical Activity Measurement Toolkit.
UK Medical Research Council. Nutritools toolkit.